Rocky Mountain High
With entries from:
Michael (Mike) Richmond   —   9 years ago

Years ago, while in the US Navy, some friends and I were sitting around a comfy fire smoking a joint and having a ball.
It suddenly occurred to me the John Denver had written out scene into a song. I did not have that exact song at the time, but I did have Rocky Mountain High. I put it on the stereo and put the headphones on my good friend, instructing him to sit quietly and get into the song. His reactions as John Denver crooned "Colorado Rocky Mountain High, I've seen it raining fire in the sky, the shadows on the starlight were softer than a lullabye, Rocky Mountain High, Colorado, Colorado Rock Mountain High...." Was priceless, he went completely limp. As the song ended and he came back to our world I zonked him between the eyes with a marshmallow. You would have thought I hit him with a sledge hammer. It was comical and beautiful all at the same time

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    Kris - 9 years ago
    As a youngster when I first heard Rocky Mountain High it brought me closer to nature and helped confirm my love for the outdoors. Until that song, I thought I was an odd ball. John's voice and songwriting were incredible. I remember hearing ....'you'll always be a poor man if you've never seen an eagle fly' and that helped me know that money can't buy everything. I love the outdoors, and every time I watch an eagle fly, I thank the Lord for John Denver! ...."he was born in the summer of his 27th year...". I am glad Colorado's mountains brought John some peace & happiness.
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      Linda - 9 years ago
      I'm totally with you on this Kris - my walk in the mountains was mesmerising and it's something hard to explain how much to someone who hasn't experienced it. I was born in the Fall of my 29th year!
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    Linda - 9 years ago
    Rocky Mountain High is my favorite song written by John Denver! It seems to tell his story so well and I can actually envision everything he is singing about. It to he's my heart and soul to this day whenever I hear it.
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